Invocation of Eternal Voices (2021)


Kyle Rivera

Pierrot ensemble plus percussion: Flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano


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Rivera’s program notes:

August 24, 2019. February 23 2020. March 13, 2020. May 25th, 2020.

On each of these days, a light was permanently erased from existence. Human

beings who loved and were loved perished at the hands of hate and those who

hated. Racism, the poison of humanity, brought forth the destruction of these

four souls and countless others. Every day, racism bleeds its way into the

foundation and reaches of our society to strip away beauty, life, and joy. While

the names and voices of those extinguished ring forever in our ears, their cries

will always scorn the senselessness of their deaths. They died not to be heros,

martyrs, or symbols of injustice. Their deaths have no meaning. Their deaths

are the result of monstrous cruelty and unfathomable brutality. As we call to

those voices looking for meaning in their eternal demise, we hear nothing in

response other than "Why?".

Short Piece for Quartet